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Wednesday 6 April 2011


ok so i have wokeup and its the next day and i am trying to let all this sink in..Holy stressing out...i cant believe the best offer i could get was 4 years..and the fuking mutt cops  PAUL VINCENT wanted me to have seven years. seriously what kinda of piece of shyt cos really wants to put a mother of three boys away that long..i mean i can deal with my consqeunces i am a big girl..i fuked up i no this .so four years sentence on june 20..and that only if the judge takes the joint recomendation...i am so stressed out over all  this shyt. how do i find myself in these situations and how do i keep at them. i would say i am remorseful ..remorsful because of my children and the effect everything i do has on them . i love my childred so much!! they are my world and everything i did and do is for them. i cant be the mother  i want to be or know i can be. im not a bad person im not a hard ass and i am not gona stand here any niore and let a fukin cop that has a grudge make me look like i am..i have not been in the penitentiary since 2006. my last conviction was in 2008 and i got 6 month house arrest. ive mde it through my parole ive made it througth my house arrest and ive made it through all my sentences before this let me add..just incase paul vincent decided to take the time and read what i have to say i just want him to know hes wrong....he doesnt know me, and he can make all the presumptions that he wants. i am not goin away for ever i will be back and i will have my freedom again. but i wont give mr vncent the time of day to0 think that he will ever catch me "riding dirty" again. fuk him. he is a sloppy cop and out for the pay u are reallly innocent or not he does not care. once he thinks he is right there is no changing his even if the evidence states it!..
but enough about him..i have the next month or two to think about and prepare myself for my sentence . i not looking forward to it at all!  but i ahve the time to prepare myself in get in the right mind state .and that hat my plans are gonna be these next couple month..preparing my mind....
well that all for now
over n out
~~~TiFfAnY LyNn~~~

1 comment:

  1. your a very strong women tiff and everyone in life makes mistakes you keep ya head up girl i know u will get through this just like you do all the time
